DC01 "Interior with Portraits" by Thomas Leclear Interior.mov lecltDCe.bmp lecltDCd.bmp DC02, PathA; DC06, PathB; DC07, PathB; DC08, PathB; DC09, PathB DC02 "Recording Sound" by Theodore Roszak Record.mov rosztDCe.bmp rosztDCd.bmp RecNote.mov matujDCe.bmp DC03, PathA; DC04, PathA; DC01, PathA DC03 "Vegetable Dinner" by Peter Blume Vegdinnr.mov blumpDCe.bmp blumpDCd.bmp VegeNote.mov krollDCe.bmp DC04, PathA; DC05, PathC; DC10, PathC; DC01 PathA; DC02, PathA DC04 "Looking for the Mountain" by Pat Steir Mountain.mov steipDCe.bmp steipDCd.bmp MounNote.mov higgvDCe.bmpx DC05, PathC; DC10, PathC; DC04, PathC; DC03, PathC; DC02, PathA DC05 "Storm King on the Hudson" by Samuel Colman StormRex.mov colmsDCe.bmp colmsDCd.bmp StorNote.mov marthDCe.bmp DC06, PathC; DC04, PathC; DC10, PathC; DC03, PathC; DC11, PathD DC06 "The Girl I Left Behind Me" by Eastman Johnson Girl.mov johneDCe.bmp johneDCd.bmp GirlNote.mov johneDCe.bmp DC07, PathB; DC08, PathB; DC09, PathB; DC10, PathC; DC01, PathB DC07 "Elizabeth Winthrop Chanler" by John Singer Sargent Chanler.mov sargjDCe.bmp sargjDCd.bmp ChanNote.mov leigwDCe.bmp DC08, PathB; DC09, PathB; DC01, PathB; DC06, PathB DC08 "The Sick Child" by J. Bond Francisco Sick.mov franDCe.bmp franDCd.bmp SickNote.mov pearcDCe.bmp DC09, PathB; DC01, PathB; DC06, PathB; DC07, PathB DC09 "Hermia and Helena" by Washington Allston Herm&Hel.mov allswDCe.bmp allswDCd.bmp H&HNote.mov trumjDCe.bmp DC10, PathE; DC11, PathE; DC06, PathB; DC07, PathB; DC08, PathB DC10 "The Flying Dutchman" & "Jonah" by Albert Pinkham Ryder Ryder.mov rydeaDCe.bmp rydeaDCd.bmp DC11, PathE; DC04, PathC; DC06, PathC; DC03, PathC; DC09, PathE DC11 "Achelous and Hercules" by Thomas Hart Benton Achelous.mov benttDCe.bmp benttDCd.bmp DC12, PathD; DC13, PathD; DC09, PathE; DC10, PathE; DC05, PathD DC12 "I Baptize Thee" by William H. Johnson Baptize.mov johnwDCe.bmp johnwDCd.bmp BaptNote.mov hampjDCe.bmp DC13, PathD; DC11, PathD; DC05, PathD DC13 "Vaquero" by Lu’s Jimenez Vaquero.mov jimelDCe.bmp jimelDCd.bmp DC12, PathD; DC11, PathD; DC05, PathD